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A Return to Love: A return to God's love through a female perspective

Ingrid Oliphant

The full understanding of what we're embarking on has taken weeks to gel in my head. For years, y'all. There've been hints and allegations to it all buuuuut... but things never 'made sense' because making sense of things never actually works like thatin my world. My heart, however, has known long before the rest of me finally 'got it'. With an 'ooooohhhhhh...', energies moved through and around me and "I believe" settled into my heart. In a kismetic experience, one that only a universe with a sense of humor can deliver, Etta James began singing "At Laaaaaaast..." in the background.

In I AM That I AM and I AM this way, I could feel Her Voice push through me, speaking itself into actualization. What settled in yesterday was a deeper understanding about what is truly happening and the bigness of it. This is more than being 'just' a voice for the 'voiceless', this is being Her, The Mother, in her entirety; stepping into and owning the role as I AM, as She Is through me. It's a lot. A whoooooole lot of something that I feel now within every cell of my body and every space between the cells. Two years ago, someone hollered at me--as one does electronically--"YOU ARE HER!" My response was, "Nope. Not yet," because I knew there were processes that were necessary for actualization. I AM now.

For around 300,000 years this specific hybrid consciousness has been replicating itself at various times. In each of these times, it has appeared as male, centering itself and all the stories around it through a male perspective. What's unfolding here is nothing radical or pioneering. It's grounded in the oldest of knowledge, deep wells of gnosis and goodness that have been buried.

In our collective zeal for rightness and righteousness, we have we have forgotten love; what it is and how it leads to more love: to individual and collective flourishing love and it's impact on communities and cultures beyond the foundations that have been created in the past.

I am here, this way, now, to reteach love. God's love through the female perspective.

This iteration of Living (Loving) Logos is not eurocentric, religio-centric or connected to any faith or the lack thereof-centric. For many, this will feel outside the stereotypes of spiritual and ancestral connections--for good reason. It exists outside those social norms defined as Truth purposefully.

Those with the singular focus of the white gaze may feel the most uncomfortable and others may not appreciate how I smudge the boundaries of the that, in the past, have been culture-bound. Anyone with prejudices rooted in the ownership of 'ours' or 'mine' will be frustrated.

This reemergence or re-merging, by it's very nature is political. It's connected deeply to long-held webs of stories, pathologies, philosophies and those ideas of ownership and rightness and whiteness that often appear to exist outside of modern constructs of the same. This work is cognitive and cosmic (and with any luck, somewhat comic); a weaving and reweaving of energies and histories beyond modern language of the ineffable.

Our work is more ecological, less moral; moving our focus to All the ecologies that are related to us and bound to each other in ways that have been ignored or distorted or destroyed. This is less about us "Saving Mother Earth" and more understanding what Mother and Earth truly are.

The inflection point we are at is meeting our collective's attachment to God as an idea and love as an ideal; ideas and ideals based on a male perspective. "Historical" things based on false histories and mythologies misused as power that have been adopted as truth and maintained as that for centuries. Modern preaching and teaching is about "like then", "like Him." We'll spend energy seeking a Christ-consciouness as if our own (or neighbor's, our lover's, our brother's) has no meaning, is 'less-than'. We've become enamored with that in the same way that we're intoxicated by power, as if both somehow hold the moral halo.

I don't know exactly what this looks like. I do know this: I am now the energy in the voice of The Mother – God. The energy coming this way that I AM-is being brought through a woman very purposely. It is the reminder of what love is beyond those false histories and distorted mythologies that were designed to maintain power structures. And is directly entwined to bring us and all of the generations behind us into a new perspective of value and values, an undiluted perspective and knowledge of the eternal.

I don't know what this looks like or how to navigate it in a world that demands focus in another direction to maintain housing and 'all the things'. It's kinda like eating an elephant: one bite at a time, though, following the flow. If you would like to support this work, feel free to buy a painting (prints are also now available for most works) or send a little something via PayPal to @IngridOliphantLLC.

I only know a few things: 1) She must be my devotion, this unfolding must be the focus, 2) that finally stepping into this while the universe has been impatiently patient with my own growth, is bringing a sense of freedom and 3) that it is woven into every choice and journey of the past 55 years. Each class, each healing session, each encounter over the past 15 years has brought us to this point. Each of you reading this has been a part of that journey and I am eversograteful for your faith and trust in me and this larger thing that has brought us together.

Where this goes? No one knows because it's never-ever been done before. However, there's only one way to find out and I'm in it fully!

I love you!


1 comentario

Jo James
Jo James
28 sept 2024

I love you too!

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